Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Wall in Asbury Update II

We wanted to reach out to the host of The Wall in Asbury since she's the first artist, other than the co-creators of 360˚, to have a Wall in her living space. Participating with The Wall project by visiting is much different than living with it everyday. Below are a few questions Katie Joy had for Shawnee River in regards to her own personal experience with The Wall in Asbury. 

K:"How do you feel about The Wall thus far?" 

S:"The Wall has changed me. I have a very different perspective on things now. I let people into my home/bedroom and tell them they can do anything they want; ANYTHING... play music, paint, sing, dress up.  Whatever. Its been amazing to be a part of this project and to be a "wall holder." I respect this art so much and I am blessed to be able to offer this home as a sanctuary."

K:"Can you explain some of the nights you've had with The Wall and the other people/artists that have been present?"

S:"Everyone thought I was going crazy in there at first and some nights I've felt crazy with this Wall. The artists that have come have been awesome and at times, challenging. My little cousins, all under the age of ten, really helped get it going. 

I have to say thank you to Abbie for being present on some of the funnest nights I've ever had with The Wall. She's also come and painted when I haven't been home. I'm always excited to see a new field of mushrooms or dancers or aliens stopping in.

Allie, one of the best people I've ever met, did a lot of the main Wall. When I look at her art I feel burdened with swelling emotions of anger or sadness for us not speaking anymore. I just send my love to her. I'm so grateful she was a part of it.

My two best friends from High School , Rachel and Amanda, came too. We created some amazing music on a voice recording machine. They're both talented in so many ways. 

A lot of people really love the wigs and costumes. It's the most feedback I get honestly. And I'm stoked about that because it's my favorite part too! Besides for playing guitar and painting  in there of course."

K:"What's the hardest part about having The Wall project in your bedroom/living space?"

S:"Sometimes it can be energetically a little intense to have a studio as my living space. I can't really explain that. It's just a lot of people's emotions, including my own. But when I wake up in the morning and look around I never feel alone. I look around and realize how many people have really been a part of this and have helped me grow."
K:"Overall how has this Wall in particular affected you?"

S:"It teaches me more than a lot of college courses have ever taught me. The Wall is a very spiritual place and it's sacred to me. It makes me feel calm like I can be myself, as if The Wall is whispering be yourself here, it's okay. I want that for other people more than anything. Yeah, I would say The Wall is the first real place I've ever felt at home."

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